Saturday, July 31, 2010

om nom nom

I love food! but you knew that...

First up! the discovery of Swiss chard from the peejay town farmers market & the love of eating color for dinner.

Second: the littlest tastiest Oregon strawberry

and how it was converted into awesome-ness.

Third: melon is pretty good. watermelon? even better! But what is it that makes watermelon even more incredible: the melon baller.

And for last, the ˚76 day at sunset bay post US losing in the world cup. The day was met with a bit of sadness, the only time you will see me wearing patriotic colors, and a picnic courtesy of the GO. organic raspberries are always a good thing, especially when you can enjoy them at the beach with swiss cheese, wheat thins, fat tires and your partner in crime.

That day was littered with blackmail photos and even better nano videos.

It is peach/blueberry season so this will also be going down very very very soon.


Annie said...

things i like:

swiss chard because my dad grows it
mention of the GO
the beach
watermelon balling
curtis's closed eye

Unknown said...

It is the Buddy look. ;)
What can I say, I have been working on it for years. Just look at some even older pictures.

nudibranchs and toast said...

the buddy look is the best! and the GO totally had a load of Newmans's own stuff last week. I was in heaven! I'm hoping to score some pickled beets this weekend from the garden :D

Melissa Logan said...

yumm!!! Everything looks awesome. lately I've been thinking about the strawberry ice cream you used to make...

Do you have any trips down to LA planned?