New discoveries:
-roses hate extended rain too
-I've became a bit uptight about taking photos in normal city settings (don't worry i'm working on it)
-doug fir happy hour is all it's chalked up to be
-more food carts: the steady cheap delicious mexican food near psu & the savory creperie on 12th & hawthorne
-swiss chard is as yummy as it is pretty
-carrots are not half bad as long as they are from a farmers market and they are complete with the fluffy tops
-burgerville will never ever ever get old
pretty, pretty, and pretty! you're really cute at the Doug Fir too :)
Thank you! Thank you! I love these extensive walk around portland trips. I should really make one for the coos :)
I love how your photography is evelving! these make a fantastic set. maybe I need to make you a photographer-teacher-librarian-biologist-dinosaur card....
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