Monday, January 31, 2011

The weekend in review

Holy cats... SUN! - Bandon, OR

Nereocystis luetkeanna

Various highlights- Anthropleura elegantissima, Semibalanus cariosus, Balanus glandula, Mytilus californiaus, and oodles of tinnie tiny Littorina sp. Did you know that barnacles boast a world record? Yep, gets the high school boys looking at their quadrats very very closely.

Handmade basket weave MAN hat - CurtiP's christmas present :)


Specialized alga that are tolerant of consistent sand scouring

Along with washing the dishes I arrived home to find these! We did a little lesson on trimming stems & leaves and choosing the proper sized vessel.

Monday morning post puff pancake special

Snoop & Puffy Pancakes

I'm starting off the week properly:

Oven puff pancake? yes yes please! David Eyre's Pancake. No photos, sorry I will get them next time.

While baking said puff pancake you must set the mood for consumption and a productive day (it is after all my sunday):

I finally snagged a copy from CurtiP. Life is now complete!