Tuesday, April 28, 2009

san francisco

Way back when during my last real spring break my mom and I decided to do a San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Monterey thing with the intention of going to MoMA, beard papas (which we eventually got to in San Jose), warm sand, rocky shores, the aquarium (for intensive kelp hunting and nudibranch creeping) and also for a bit of cannery row tourism.

Here are some bits from San Francisco which was first on the list...

MoMA: poodles, a baby, josef albers, the skylight and wall sketch.

Bits and peices from the city:
China town's best colors, a rather large spider, blue sky and various buildings and "oo!"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

nom nom

A random assortment of things from the last few months...

Limes for cocktails

The worlds thickest homemade pineapple & pep pizza

My moms bouganvilla

Many months of fresh grapefruit juice

Sewing on a Saturday night
My favorite lamp and favorite vintage pillowcase from my grandmothers collection
Crocus outside my room

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A murder of shorebirds

This comes from the mid October cookie experiment with Annie and Kenta...

Question: Do shorebirds like chips ahoy as much as Kenta does?
Methods: Creep at the birds and present subjects with a cookie...
Result: Shore birds do not like chips ahoy
Discussion: Perhaps they do not provide sufficient nutrition to better their fitness or they have not developed the taste yet for delicious chips ahoy cookies.
Conclusion: Don't waste cookies on shore birds. They will only give you the cold shoulder and a soggy sandy cookie.