Sunday, April 17, 2011


Snowshoeing at Diamond Lake on Presidents Day weekend...

From Winter...

To Spring!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Creative Persuits Lately

Just a few:

Attempting to recycle knitted things a.k.a. yarn barf

Granola! Maybe not creative, but certainly tasty!


Knitted and felted bag

Rad merino cowls

tape to help package these things

And traveling gnomes!

Monday, January 31, 2011

The weekend in review

Holy cats... SUN! - Bandon, OR

Nereocystis luetkeanna

Various highlights- Anthropleura elegantissima, Semibalanus cariosus, Balanus glandula, Mytilus californiaus, and oodles of tinnie tiny Littorina sp. Did you know that barnacles boast a world record? Yep, gets the high school boys looking at their quadrats very very closely.

Handmade basket weave MAN hat - CurtiP's christmas present :)


Specialized alga that are tolerant of consistent sand scouring

Along with washing the dishes I arrived home to find these! We did a little lesson on trimming stems & leaves and choosing the proper sized vessel.

Monday morning post puff pancake special

Snoop & Puffy Pancakes

I'm starting off the week properly:

Oven puff pancake? yes yes please! David Eyre's Pancake. No photos, sorry I will get them next time.

While baking said puff pancake you must set the mood for consumption and a productive day (it is after all my sunday):

I finally snagged a copy from CurtiP. Life is now complete!