Fall at the beach! (Early October)
Low sun & plenty of beach combing
November has historically (in my lifetime) been one of the best months due to the many days off from school, Thanksgiving (who doesn't love a holiday centered around food/family/friends?) and my birthday! woot! Not that I have anything exciting planned, at all really, but I'm allowed to be excited. Also, I do kind of groove on "falling back" It's much too dark at 7am lately and it's starting to ruin my mornings a bit.
A boat seen in the Redondo Beach Harbor. I especially love the long tentacle! More on that in a later post...
Halloween was more of a "let's see what I can get done" type day. I brought a hammer. Who knew that would allow me to get so much done! Curtains were put up, art was hung, certain wibbly wobbly kleen kanteens were fixed. Well wishes were also sent to my brother for his birthday!
While these are not the best shots ever of my apartment I wanted to highlight the awesomeness of the turquoise room! I guess I just tend to gravitate towards it. My mom had the famed robin's egg blue custom mixed at Fred Meyers forever ago and since then it has been creeping into my life. It's quite lovely isn't it? Design is mine post on aqua. We can expand on some dream living here. This house was also featured in the April/May 2010 issue of ReadyMade. Yes, Charlie Harper really is that awesome, and this explains why the displays in Fossil always get me a bit. If I had it my way I would paint, but really the latte is pretty pleasant .
Next on the list, fixing the lighting in the other half of my living room. But here is a (terrible) shot of my brothers art, framed and displayed! It was done on wood veneers, with (I think) various papers, masking tapes, the beloved sharpies and probably mod podge.
More beaching! this time in November
Wind party! & a new, messed up hair cut (thanks gusting wind). I promise my bangs look much better than the above displayed and I'm pretty pleased with the look. Gone are the days of my grown out bob mullet and in with the straight bangs and clean sleek long bob! I should really invest in getting my hair cut more than every 6 months. I'll attribute it to my bad combo of busy busy work stuff and laziness in my off time.
LOVE the haircut
Those last three pictures are so amazing! I love your photography <3 <3 <3
your self portrait would be fierce.. if this was 2006.
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