Sometime earlier this year I received a little sunflower starter pot. I think I was only supposed to keep them indoors for 2 weeks and they may have lived in a tiny pot for almost 6 weeks? whew. A few survived to make it to my parents garden. Nonetheless they were quick growing and fun to have around!
I found this echeveria at trader joes for 4 bucks. Although it was really quite the looker it bit the dust soon after blooming.
The hens & chicks in the background were found for 2 dollars at the roseburg farmers market (worth a shot!) then the foreground ones have been around for many many years and are slowly taking over my mother's garden. The big leaves were experimental starts from a large succulent my mom purchased. The starts rooted and things seem to be rolling right along. The coast indoors is perfect for these outdoor thriving plants :)
Then a very excited long anticipated package arrived from Seattle! Thank you! I'm happy to report all are doing well and thriving!
Sooo thrilled to have these new air plant additions!
Tillandsia Aeranthos, Ionantha Rubra, Usneoides large leaf (recurvata?) & Usneoides
Nothing could beat having a plant that you need to soak in water. They had a well deserved bath after travel and now reside in cocktail glasses,
and a small pyrex bowl.
And here we have more succulents before and after reconfiguring where these things would live.
This one has put on new growth too... eeeee!
More room to grow and my Cycad Zamia Furfuracea seed on the right which just sprouted its little bit in the last couple of days (!!!!)
Love love love my little Coleus Amboinicus i.e., cuban oregano. Its fuzzy, lovely smelling and quick growing.
Chirita Flavimaculata which I am entirely too excited about. Its little root growth is expanding quickly and it seems to maybe have new little leaves coming out of the top? Let's hope it grows to be as lovely as mel's.
Hipsalis NOID cerescula. Lovely lovely! I swear my mom had one of these when I was a kid or some cousin of it. It was huge and fun to watch grow with the little roots coming out all over the place.
And finally, the saga continues on my huge split leaf philodendron. I purchased a new pot as it had to be tied to the wall so it wouldn't fall over from roots shooting out the bottom of the pot. It is stable in its new home on the floor and now tall enough to ride the big kid rides at the fair :)
Oh, I love it! They all look so happy. And your chiriita sprouted roots way faster than ours - that's a really good sign. The cuban oregano is amazing, isn't it? If you stick it in soil, it never misses a beat. It must take time to grow roots, but the leaves never falter.
I also love the window plant arrangement, it's like a plant alter :)
P.s. Have you ever tried sunflower sprouts? They are really yummy!
Thanks mel! I haven't tried sunflower sprouts yet... how tall are they when you harvest them?
I'm going to take more definitive photos of plants this week to post. I just dug around my iphoto library to see what I could find! I think I'll give my chiriita a couple more weeks to grow then I have a perfect pot from a dying african violet (sad face... it was from freshman year)
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