Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hillary's purse

Another Ikea print that is super strong, outdoor rated and perfect for a large holds ev-er-y-thing bag! I saw the fabric in the store with the flowers, birds and black but bright print and knew it was the fabric for her :) Plus it's super fun to lay out a huge print like this with very different 'scenes' on it. I'm loving on the big pleats too.

The same fabric used for the lining in my bag and Jills. I have a small bit of it left over which I'm sure will make its way into another purse.

Everyone needs a pocket big enough to hold... a pin cusion?



Jess said...

so good! I love pleats sooo much.

Leanie said...

im proud to say i sport this bag on a daily occurence. and i put a pin cushion in just to test the theory of large pockets.