A limpet complete with a stylish cape of algae This years barnacle recruits What kind of day would it be without this? My lovely mother Some coralline algae and seagrass Sandstone at day
Obviously not found in tidepools
shore acres flora Hot cocoa roses Unidentified awesomeness
I've been contemplating making clutches for a while now especially since I had just the right amount of Anna Marie Horner designed fabric left over from last summers big purse project (I'll get some shots of them together) Now I've got just enough for a snazzy ipod case or jewlery pouch. The other purse I lucked out on finding the perfect fabric at Joanns and Kaleo loved it. It was her 21st birthday gift, perfect for bars and machine washable!
I'll probably make more of these later since they use very little fabric and time...